Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Artist of the Week 9 / 26 / 2018

If you have visited the Fourth & Fifth Grade wing of our school lately you may have noticed the Class Puzzles that are displayed next to classroom doors. The class puzzles show how a number of individual students come together to make a group. 5th Grade students have been asked to take the puzzle idea further by creating their own Personal Puzzle. They have been asked to make their own design, which could be Representational or Non-representational, cut into at least 10 pieces and glue it onto a black background, leaving even space between the pieces. This has proven to be challenging, but one student has already completed the assignment. She enjoys art and is always making work at home and outside of art class. She is a good listener and can follow complicated instructions. For all these reasons I would like to recognize C. R. in Mrs. Gerrish’s 5th Grade Class as Artist of the Week for 9 / 26 / 2018. Nice work!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Artist of the Week 9 / 19 / 2018

I have really been enjoying getting to know our Third Grade students! Third Graders have been working on self portraits of themselves as adults. Not only are they practicing skills of representing their faces and bodies through drawing, but they are also using their imaginations to think about what they might do with their lives as grownups. I have seen artworks representing future scientists, teachers, artists, and football players. There’s all kinds of jobs and skills that our students will have as adults!

We have many students at FMS that love animals, so it makes sense that a number of students would want to be veterinarians when they are older. The student I am choosing to recognize this week not only did a careful quality job drawing and coloring her picture, but included some amazing details! Look closely and you will see a full scene outside the window, a cat on the examination table, and a lab coat on a hanger that looks a lot like a cat’s face! Nice work PC from Mrs. Walsh’s 3rd Grade class, Artist of the Week for 9 / 19 / 2018!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Artist of the Week 9 / 12 / 2018

Fourth and Fifth Grade Classes have not only been working on designing their personalized eggs for the front hall, but also a personalized class puzzle to illustrate how a group of individual students come together as a whole class. These will start to go up in the hallway this week.

Today I would like to recognize a 4th Grade Student who is new to our school. As I was looking for one of the class puzzle pieces to share with the school, I was struck by the sweet message on this student’s piece, “I Love My Friends.” What an awesome example for a Class Puzzle that illustrates how we come together to a whole! What does it look like to treat our friends and people with whom we work with Love?? It’s a great thing to think about, thanks RJ Hodson in Ms. LaFosse’s 4th Grade Class, Artist of the Week for 9 / 12 / 2018! Nice work!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Artist of the Week 9 / 5 / 2018

The 2018 - 2019 School Year is off to an amazing start at the Fisher Mitchell School! It is always a little challenging for me at the start of the year because our hallways are conspicuously empty of beautiful and thought provoking student artworks. Even though there is an expectation that we get new work up quickly, we want to make sure that we are doing Careful, Quality Work.

If you visit our school you will notice a Fisher Mitchell School Family Tree that is visible as you enter the building. Both students and teachers are working on Creative and Artistic pieces to add their names to our tree. Teachers have been asked to make a sign with their name to go below a nest for their class. Students have been asked to create an egg with their name on it to go in their class nest. This is taking a little bit of time to complete because we want to make sure that we are making Careful, Quality Work and because it means I have to manage over 200 pieces of individual artwork! It's a lot of work, but most things that are impressive take a bit of effort!

This will be the third school year that I have worked with the student I am choosing to recognize this week. He is very creative both in his artwork and in his personal style. After looking at all the amazing and very different eggs this student's work continued to stand out to me for his use of Color and Pattern. Congratulations Z. P. in Ms. Hoskins' 5th Grade Class, Artist of the Week for 9 / 5 / 2018!