Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Banners Over Bath 2018


I need to take a moment to recognize two artistic friends. One of the cool things that the town of Bath does to help build community and celebrate arts is the  Banners Over Bath celebration. Every spring community members can have their own artwork grace our cool little city’s streets. This requires artists to design a 2’ x 3’  canvas banner that will hang from the lampposts downtown. This design must not only help make Bath more beautiful, but also withstand our spring weather. As the Art Teacher at Fisher Mitchell School I have struggled to figure out how I could get multiple students involved with a format that is small when compared to our over 300 students. Then I thought maybe I was making things too hard for myself. One thing I am still learning is how to let go of control and better delegate tasks. Just after I had these thoughts Emily Harper and Julia Marlowe entered my classroom. These two creative young women have asked to collaborate on projects all year and had great results doing so. I could ask them if they were interested and let them take charge of this project and I would be able to check something off my list that never seems to end! I gave these two very little guidance, and trusted them to create a complete piece. I think their design came out great! Nice work Julia and Emily!

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