Wednesday, April 1, 2020

5th Grade Home Lesson - Week 3

5th Graders have been given an assignment on Google Classroom that involves using their Chrome Books to search for an artist with the same last name as theirs. They are to take a partial screenshot of one of this artist's works and save it with this artist's name. They should attach it to a document and pass it in to me. There are both instructions and a video demonstrating the steps.

I would also like to invite 5th Graders to make an American Flag that Mr. Berkowitz can use in his morning announcements. People all across the country are dealing with difficult situations because of this virus. Take pride in thinking about our country and what you can do to help.

Notice some of these important details:

I first found the halfway mark on the top and the side of my rectangle and made the dotted lines. (If this was a final draft this would be done VERY LIGHTLY)
Notice the blue rectangle in the corner does not make it all the way to the middle of the top line and extends a little below the middle of the side line.
The blue rectangle has 9 rows of stars, starting with 6, alternating to 5, and ending on 6.
There are 13 alternating red and white stripes, starting and ending with red.
The seventh stripe is red and the bottom of it lines up with the bottom of the blue rectangle.

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