Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Artist of the Week 6 / 13 / 2018

I would like to recognize the students in Mrs. Levesque’s 3rd grade class. Last week we had a fun imaginative project in which we thought about what it might be like to have an outlandish pet. This could be an animal typically found in the wild, like a lion or a hippopotamus, or a mythical creature like a gryphon. I asked students to imagine doing an activity with this “crazy” pet.  The student that I would like to formally recognize is always kind and always tries his best. He sits at the back of the room and loves to help clean up and pass out materials. He was very happy to share his picture of his pet dragon, which he is riding while they race an airplane through the sky. Nice Job Ryan Harrington, Artist of the Week!

I also want to recognize a whole group of students in Mrs. Levesque’s class. When one student was feeling lonely, he put his head down in frustration. When he looked up again a number of students had moved to his table and surrounded him with encouragement and goodwill. This act of kindness made me very proud of these students. I will not list them all, but they know who they are! Nice work!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Artist of the Week 6 / 6 / 2018

Today I would like to recognize a 5th grade student who has been impressing me with her quality artworks since I met her in 4th grade. She can be quiet but she is smart and funny when you get to know her. I want to recognize her for a paper mache sculpture that she just completed in Enrichment Art. The sculpture is interesting, as it is part cat and part unicorn, but what really impressed me is how this artist chose to paint her sculpture. Instead of painting details like eyes, a mouth, fur, etc. this artist decided to paint a sunset sky at the bottom transitioning up to the deep blue black of a star filled night sky at the top. Check out the cool silhouettes of palm trees at the base of her sculpture! Nice work Chloe T. in Mrs. Wheeler’s 5th grade class!