Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Artist Of The Week 12/20/2017

Fifth Grade Students have been completing a snowflake project. This is not the folding and cutting project you may be imagining, but an experiment with Masking Tape and an exercise creating Tints of a color by adding white. We started our study of snowflakes by watching a quick video that showed us some of the science about how snowflakes form. Then we switched gears and talked about how a house painter uses masking tape. We carefully created our snowflakes with tape and then covered our papers with Tints of a color of our choice. When our paintings were dry and the tape was removed our snowflakes emerged. This weeks Artist Of The Week always does a careful job. I chose her to recognize her snowflake out of so many beautiful snowflakes that 5th graders created because of how she blended the transition between the Tints that she created and the unique border that she made. Nice work Grace T. in 5 Gerrish!

To see a collection of all the 2017 Artists Of The Week please visit

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Artist of the Week 12/13/17

There was a clear choice for this weeks Artist of the Week. Although the 4th Grade has been making some really awesome penguin collages that we should be looking for in the hallways, and 5th Grade snowflakes should be appearing shortly, 3rd Grade just created some really amazing collages using their experiments with color mixing. At this point 3rd Graders have a good grasp of the Primary Colors, Red, Yellow and Blue, and have mixed their own Secondary Colors, Orange, Green, and Purple. We used Orange for our class pumpkin patches and now have used Green and Purple for these first snow collages. When 3rd Graders mixed their purple I encouraged them to create Tints of Purple by adding White. Ben T. in Mrs. Walsh’s 3rd Grade Class did such an amazing job with his background I contemplated giving him the honor of Artist of the Week before he put all his pieces together! All 3rd Graders really impressed me with their collages, but I picked Ben T. as Artist of the Week, not only for his background, but for the trees he cut with different Greens and his intricate snowflakes. He’s also about as nice a guy as you could ask for in Art Class. Nice Work Ben!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Artist Of The Week 12/6/2017

Right now we have a lot of projects that are halfway finished in the art room. 3rd Graders are working on mixing paint to create secondary colors and creating a collage with their work, 4th Graders are also working on a collage, and 5th graders are working on a painting. Luckily, two young women finished up large 2 part paintings in their free time. These students are super responsible, super motivated and always make quality work. Although they did their pantings independently, they shared their idea, and their process (the way they made their paintings). It was really fun to watch them working on their paintings side by side. For all these reasons it is easy for me to recognize Alexis Grendell and Julia Deitrick. Nice work you two!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Artist of the Week 11/15/17

What a wild couple of weeks! Because of the power outages, professional development days (teacher workshops), and the Veterans Day Holiday, we’ve missed quite a few art classes. I only got to work with Fisher Mitchell Students one day last week! That’s one of the reasons I am recognizing another 5th grade student for their piece inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”. In Mrs. Wheeler’s class many students took their collages in new and creative directions of their own design. I saw students make piles of colorful leaves next to small rakes, log cabins, and even a tree swept up into the air. However, there was only one student that had a zip line between two of his autumn trees, that’s why I am recognizing Hayden in Mrs. Wheeler’s 5th Grade Class. Nice job Hayden!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Artist of the Week 11/8/17

This student is one of Fisher Mitchell Schools’ most prolific artists! That means she is ALWAYS making art! She often puts her own take on assignments, but where she really shines is when she depicts the shapes and patterns in the animals she loves. Payton in Mrs. Pomerleau’s 3rd Grade Class is AMAZING! Great work Payton!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Artist of the Week 11/1/17

This artist is part of a group of friends that always does quality work. In 5th grade we have been reviewing the work of Vincent Van Gogh. By 5th grade most students can recognize the work of this artist. We used Vincent Van Gogh’s famous painting “Starry Night” as inspiration for these windy day collages. Many of these student works came out great, but I was particularly impressed with the work done by Brianna in Mrs. Gerrish’s 5th Grade Class. Awesome job Brianna!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Artist of the Week 10/25/17

This weeks Artist of the Week is from Ms. LaFosse's class. Their class attended Bay Day, learning about the ecology of Merry Meeting Bay. There was lots to learn and experience. One of the activities for students was Goytaku or the Japanese art of fish printing, where you put ink or paint on a real fish and then put paper on top to get a print of the fish. Ms. LaFosse's class wrote up reports on the fish that they worked with, but the prints seemed a little bit unfinished. We decided to invite her class into the art room to put all these elements together. Right away I noticed that Lucas Hinton had done lots of prints at Bay Day. This didn't surprise me because Lucas has a "can do" attitude. He quickly and carefully cut out one of his prints, put it together with his report, and a little more paint to create this awesome composition. I especially like the diagonals that move the viewers eye around the composition, and how elements overlap. Nice work Lucas!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Artist of the Week 10/18/17

If you have visited FMS recently you will see lots of dots around the school. That's because we've been creating artworks inspired by The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds. I'd like to thank Mrs. Pomerleau for getting excited about this book and helping me to remember what a great message it has. In some classes after we created one big "dot", students experimented  with Pointillism, or making a picture using only dots! Some students really got into this assignment, but one was particularly excited about his work. This student experimented with different sizes, colors, and (as far as I know) is the only student who gave his work a title. That is why as this weeks Artist of the Week is Eric Brown and his art work entitled "Eric Brown Presents: Dot-mania!" Nice work Eric!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Artist of the Week 10/11/17

This weeks Artist of the Week is the first 3rd grade student that I have recognized. As you may know all grades have been working hard on their Square One Fundraiser. In the art room this year we are consciously doing more work with Rough Drafts. Rough drafts are important because they help us organize our thoughts and arrange the elements we want to have in our composition. Sometimes, if we try too hard on our rough draft, which is usually on cheap paper, it can be hard to achieve the results we want on our final. This student did a great job of coming up with a very original idea, making a strong draft, and then taking it to the next level for her final draft by including new details and beautiful colors! Check out this beautiful family portrait done by Gracious in Ms. Levesque's room! Who are those family members driving the submarine?? Great Job Gracious!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

FMS Artist Of The Week 10/4/17

I've been very impressed with some of the students that are new to our school, not only because of their art skills and their careful attention to detail, but also for their Great Attitudes. This week the Artist Of The Week not only impressed me with a nice tight design for her Square One Fundraiser, but also because of what she has already done to help her class be more focused and her classmates feel more comfortable! Awesome job Jaimze! Nice work!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

FMS Artist Of The Week 9/27/17

Avery LeverPicking the Artist Of The Week can be kid of stressful, especially when I am fortunate enough to work with so many hardworking and creative students. I must admit I had someone else in mind, but was surprised when I was approached by 5th Grader Averi Lever on Wednesday morning. I had announced that our new Librarian, Ms. Barker, had asked for student art work for the library, and that Nurse Waltz was asking for art works for the Teacher's Room. So what did Averi do? She went home last weekend and made these beautiful paintings! Her dad even helped her put one in a frame! Amazing! Nice work Averi!


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

FMS Artist of the Week 9/20/17

This weeks Artist of the Week is a 5th grader in Mrs. Wheeler's class. The class was experimenting with folding, rolling and taping paper to make structures. Structures were judged on both how high and how strong students could make them. One student took what he learned in class and created his own hotel with 3 sections, a tower, windows, and a working door. Nice work Nathan Nash!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

FMS Artist of the Week 9/13/17

Inline image 1I am so pleased with the enthusiasm, knowledge, and skills that FMS Students have been bringing to the Fisher Mitchell Art Room. It is so good to see old friends and meet new 3rd graders. Many students have already created art works that have impressed me and we will be putting them up in the hallways of our school soon, but I want to recognize one student in particular. This student, like others, was excited to show me art work that they created this summer, but this student had actually had his work put in a frame! His work in class has been exemplary, and although it is not yet completed, I would like to recognize Seamus Coughlin for his work on his puzzle piece for his class puzzle. Look at the sun that Seamus created. Does it remind you of the work of a famous artist we have studied? Look at the careful details Seamus has captured in these characters. Can you recognize what children’s book they are from?